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Celtic Crosses 2.1-2.7
1997 / each 18w x 19h
Materials and techniques: Cotton, silk, sheer, upholstery fabric. Muslin and canvas backing.
Overview photo of quilt; click for larger image (Warning: large file)
Ann's Comments (February 1997): "How can I be a saxophonist, a composer, a liturgical Artist-in-Residence, and a quiltmaker without going crazy? How can I fit in four careers ­ all of which I'm good at, and all of which I enjoy and am driven to do ­ at the same time? And if I do all four instead of concentrating on one, will I forever wonder if I could have been really great at that one? Or do I even care?
These are the questions I've asked myself and others in the past year.
In response, the word 'simplify' presented itself. I still don't know how to simplify my life, but simplifying my quiltmaking was both exciting and scary.

I'd been trying to make the image of a cross, and to simplify meant to pare down the cross into just two elements, a line (a narrow strip of fabric) and a seam perpendicular to the line.

Then I tried starting with a circle, and adding the line and seam, and the crosses became Celtic Crosses.
These crosses and the method of making them are very special to me because they developed so clearly over a four-day period, without any preconceived outcome and with several deadends (which I was able to acknowledge and let go). I've made a second group of crosses, and I'd like to continue using the method."


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